


Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


Contact Number: +91-7566663042/ 07314047162

Email Id:

Invoice Number INV-1381
Invoice Date May 22, 2024
Total Due $0.00
Evamat Technology

country, city Bungoma County


Static Website Features List

  1. Home Page

    • Overview of services or products
    • Engaging hero image or slider
    • Call-to-action buttons
    • Brief about section
    • Testimonials or client logos
    • Footer with contact information and social media icons
  2. About Us Page

    • Company history and mission statement
    • Team member bios with photos
    • Company values and vision
    • Contact information
    • Social media integration for team members or company
  3. Services/Product Page

    • Detailed descriptions of services or products
    • High-quality images or illustrations
    • Pricing information (if applicable)
    • Call-to-action buttons for inquiries or purchases
    • Customer reviews or case studies
  4. Contact Us Page

    • Contact form
    • Company address and Google Maps integration
    • Phone numbers and email addresses
    • Business hours
    • Social media links

Additional Features

  • SEO Ready Website

    • On-page SEO optimization
    • Meta tags, descriptions, and keyword integration
  • Mobile Friendly Website

    • Responsive design for optimal viewing on mobile devices
    • Limited images and videos for faster load times
  • Slider

    • One image slider on the Home Page
  • Social Media Integration

    • Social media icons linked to profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
    • Embedded social media feeds (optional)
  • Favicon Icon Configuration

    • Custom favicon for branding in browser tabs

Technical Details

  • Platform: WordPress
  • Hosting: 5 Web Pages Hosting with 20 GB shared hosting
  • Initial Cost: US $80
  • Annual Renewal Charges: $24 per year (includes website support)

Additional Services

  • Content Provided by Client

    • All text, images, and videos to be supplied by the client
  • Additional Web Page Design

    • Charged separately (rate to be determined based on complexity and requirements)

Cost Breakdown

  • Initial Setup Cost: US $80
  • Annual Renewal Cost: $24 per year, inclusive of website support
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Website Design and Development $80.000.00%$80.00
Sub Total $80.00
GST $0.00
Paid -$80.00
Total Due $0.00