

Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


Contact Number: +91-7566663042/ 07314047162

Email Id:

Invoice Number INV-1354
Invoice Date January 11, 2024
Total Due $750.00

rua Dr Antônio Agostinho Neto, Benguela - Angola


Dear sir ,

Kindly find invoice for below larval based requirements

Student Role:

  • Course Dashboard:
    • Access to course materials, syllabi, schedules, and assignments.
  • Communication Hub:
    • Engage in communication through messages, announcements, and discussion boards.
  • Event Calendar:
    • View and stay updated on academic events, seminars, workshops, and extracurricular activities.
  • Grade Tracker:
    • Monitor grades and academic progress in real-time.
  • Registration and Enrollment:
    • Register for classes, view available slots, and enroll in courses.
  • Resource Booking:
    • Reserve library resources, lab equipment, or study rooms.
  • Financial Management:
    • Access tuition fees, payment reminders, and financial aid information.
  • Campus Navigation:
    • Maps and directions for various university buildings and facilities.
  • Feedback System:
    • Provide feedback on courses, professors, and university services.
  • Career Services:
    • Access job postings, internship opportunities, and career counseling services.

Staff Role:

  • Course Management:
    • Manage and update course materials, syllabi, schedules, and assignments.
  • Communication Hub:
    • Engage in communication with students, professors, and administration through messages, announcements, and discussion boards.
  • Event Management:
    • Add, update, and manage academic events, seminars, workshops, and extracurricular activities.
  • Grade Management:
    • Input and manage grades for assigned courses.
  • Registration and Enrollment Oversight:
    • Monitor and manage the registration and enrollment process.
  • Resource Booking Oversight:
    • Manage and oversee resource bookings, ensuring availability and proper usage.
  • Financial Oversight:
    • Monitor financial transactions, payment reminders, and financial aid processes.
  • Campus Navigation Support:
    • Provide assistance and information regarding campus navigation.
  • Feedback Review:
    • Review and respond to feedback on courses, professors, and university services.
  • Career Services Support:
    • Assist in providing information on job postings, internship opportunities, and career counseling.

HR Role:

  • HR Management Insights:
    • Access HR analytics for faculty and staff, including retention rates, performance evaluations, and professional development needs.
  • Employee Data Management:
    • Manage employee records, including personal information, job roles, and contract details.
  • Performance Evaluation:
    • Conduct and oversee performance evaluations for faculty and staff.
  • Professional Development:
    • Track and support professional development needs of faculty and staff.
  • Recruitment and Hiring:
    • Manage the recruitment process, including job postings and applicant tracking.
  • Leave and Attendance Management:
    • Oversee leave requests and attendance records for faculty and staff.
  • Training and Workshops:
    • Coordinate and track training sessions and workshops for faculty and staff.
  • Policy Communication:
    • Communicate HR policies and updates to faculty and staff.
  • Benefits Administration:
    • Provide information and support regarding employee benefits.
  • Employee Assistance:
    • Address employee queries and concerns related to HR matters.

Admin Role:

  • System Administration:
    • Manage user roles, permissions, and system configurations.
  • Data Analytics and Reporting:
    • Generate and analyze reports on various aspects of the university's functioning.
  • Security Oversight:
    • Ensure the security and integrity of the web-based platform.
  • Integration Management:
    • Oversee integrations with other university systems and platforms.
  • System Updates and Maintenance:
    • Coordinate and implement system updates and maintenance.
  • User Support and Training:
    • Provide support and training for users, resolving technical issues.
  • Budget Oversight:
    • Monitor and manage the budget related to the web-based platform.
  • Policy Development:
    • Develop and implement policies related to the use of the platform.
  • Strategic Planning:
    • Contribute to the strategic planning of the platform's development and enhancement.
  • Emergency Response:
    • Coordinate responses to emergency situations and ensure platform continuity.
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Web based application development

Total 60 working days required
Technology - Laravel

Sub Total $1,500.00
GST $0.00
Paid -$750.00
Total Due $750.00

Company Account Name: InfoCentroid Software Solutions
A/C NUMBER: 201003848051
Bank:- Indusind bank