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Native Android App Development
Screen 1
Splash screen with a short quick Intro about our service, ‘Next’ button to continue
Screen 2 (home screen if not login)
Select city from list of cities where we serve
Screen 3
OTP login with name to see our bicycle points in selected city, if confirm OTP then screen 4
Screen 4 (home screen if logged in)
Show a mapView/listView of our bicycle points in selected city, when user tap on any point then screen 5
Screen 5
Show listView of available bicycles with its picture x3, model name, fare and Book Now option (Availability will
be update by our volunteers), when user tap on any list item open it on a separate screen where user can see
bicycle pictures and details properly and Book it, when user tap Book now then screen 6
Screen 6
Booking options – No of days to book (max 7), Name & Number will be refer from otp login process etc, and
show billing details (per day fare + deposit) and Pay Now option, if user go for pay now…
Screen 7
Payment processing, if payment done successfully user will get a thank you message with a 4 digit code via
Screen 8
Show following instructions and this 4 digit code
- Please confirm this code to our center to receive bicycle (4 digit code in large fonts)
- Navigate user from its current location to his selected bicycle point
- OK button if he reach to the point
Screen 9
Show instruction ‘Please check bicycle condition properly’ with options like AIR, BRAKES, GEAR, SEATING with
checkboxes and a OK button
Screen 10
Show from top – ‘Hello rider/name’, ‘You are riding’ then bicycle details, 4 digit Code and a Timer to indicate
how much time left to finish ride, on bottom show a button ‘Engage’ to notify us for emergency, if bicycle
damage or punctured so we will arrange other bicycle on the spot.
-Show this screen until ride ends, If ride finish or timer ends then screen 11
Screen 11
-Text lines and Review option as follows
o Submit Bicycle to our center and confirm code to our volunteer to initiate your total refund
o Show his code in large text
-When user confirm code to volunteer an small SMS will send to him – ‘your refund will be initiate in an hour,
Thank you’
Screen 12
-Show following Text
INR20,000.00 | 0% | INR20,000.00 |