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Consumer/Customer User based web version development
Property Tax Information System
Consumer Modules
Registration Module: New User has to register on portal using name and mobile number, e-mail,
password and OTP Received. Although user ID will be issued by Tax Department.
Login Module: User may Login into portal using User ID and PWD. Also Forgot PWD and Register Links will
be available on same.
Forgot PWD Module: User has to provide email and user ID and Mobile number to recover the PWD,
where all these attributes information should match with database to recover the same.
Profile Module: User may update his/her mobile number, email, Photo and PWD information from profile
New Property Registration: User has option available in portal to register his/her new property, for doing
same he has to fill the form with following attributes;
1) Owner Name
2) Mobile Number
3) Email
4) Circle Number
5) Ward Number
6) Revenue Circle
7) Plot Number/House Number
8) Old Number
9) Address
10) New Holding
11) Age of Building (DDL-[>30 Years],[15-30 Years],[5-15 Years],[<5 Years])
12) Electric Connection Number/Consumer ID(as per Electric Bill)
13) Sewerage Connection (YES/NO)
14) Source Of Water (DDL-OWN, Municipal Connection, Public Tap, No water supply)
15) Rain Water Harvesting System (YES/NO)
16) Build-Up area of Ground Floor (Only in case of individual Building)
17) Total Build-Up Area (Sq. Ft.)
19) Khasra Number
20) Mauza
21) City Survey Number
22) Sheet Number
23) Parcel ID
24) Exempted from Tax (Check Box)
25) Reason of Tax Exemption (DDL)
26) Corresponding Address
27) Property Bound By (In East, West, North and South)
28) Property Category (DDL-Residential, Commercial, Semi-Commercial, Open Plot)
29) Occupancy Status (DDL-Self Occupied, Rented, Mix)
30) Date of Assessment
31) Area of Plot (Sq. Ft.)
32) Uses (DDL-Residential, Non-Residential, Mix)
33) Uses Category in case of Non-Residential (Code-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 as per survey Form)
34) Authorized Property (YES/NO)
35) Notice to be generated (127/134)
36) Upload Documents (will be defined)
37) In case of Building:
a. Apartment/Building Name
b. Total Build-up Area
c. Total No. of Property
d. Total No. of Floor(Excluding Ground)
e. Total Open Space Area (Sq. Ft.)
f. Lift Facility (YES/NO)
g. Power Backup (YES/NO)
h. Parking Facility (YES/NO)
i. Fire Fighting Facility (YES/NO)
j. Total No. of residential Holdings
k. Total No. of non- residential Holdings
l. Source Of water for Building (DDL-Own, Municipal Connection, Any Other)
38) In case of Commercial/Industrial Building (individual entry of different shops in same building)
a. Shop Number
b. Shop/Industry Name
c. Owner Name
d. Business/Industry Type (As per code of UP Municipal Corporation Act)
e. License Number
f. License Status (YES/NO)
g. License Validity DD-MM-YYYY
h. Shop Area (Sq. Ft.)
Note: Highlighted text or attributes are mentioned in SOW but others are not which can be incorporated
as requirements.
After filling all these information these details will be submitted for verification department for offline
and on ground verification. After successful completion of verification this will be added as new property
in system and user can pay property tax for the same. While doing all these process a token number will
be generated to check the status of application.
Property Tax Collection Module:
There will be 2 options for user to pay TAX;
1) Offline through Office:
a. Admin or Tax collector will search the property details by Index number of property ID
b. Then following details will pop-out
i. Bill Number
ii. Additional Information
iii. Consumer Code
iv. Payee Name and Description
v. Total Amount to be received
c. Then following information has to be entered:
i. Mode of Payment (Cash/Cheque/DD)
ii. Cheque/DD Number
iii. Cheque/DD Date
iv. Bank Name
v. Branch Name
vi. Amount
vii. Paid By
viii. Receipt Number (If collected Manually at his premises)
ix. Receipt Date (If collected Manually at his premises)
After filling all these information, payment receipt or challan will be created to handover to payee in
printable format.
2) Online using Portal:
a. User has to search by Index number mentioned in Tax Challan.
b. Then property and its Tax details will be visible;
i. Index number
ii. Parcel ID
iii. Owner Name
iv. Address
v. Current Tax
vi. Current Tax Due
vii. Arrear Tax Due
viii. Action (View Property Tax/Pay Tax)
c. Action (View Property Tax): Tax payment history till date can be viewed also with
following details:
i. Installment Year
ii. Tax Paid
iii. Cheque Bounce Penalty
iv. Late Payment Penalty
v. Rebate
vi. Balance
vii. Payment receipt link to view associated tax payment
viii. Total Tax due
ix. Advance Rebate
x. Total Balance
d. Action (Pay Tax): User can pay the visible or taxable amount via payment gateway having
options like credit card, internet banking, or debit card etc. (payment gateway will be
provided by client) after verifying the details.
View Tax Receipt/Bill-cum-Demand Notice Module: User may view his/her last tax payment receipt with
following information as given below;
a. Receipt Number
b. Address
c. House Number
d. Circle/Zone
e. Ward Number
f. Owner Name
g. Installment Year
INR20,000.00 | 0.00% | INR20,000.00 |