

Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


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Email Id: rekha.verma@infocentroidtech.com

Quote Number QUO-1087
Quote Date August 17, 2020
Total INR88,500.00
Mindbrics Edutech Pvt. Ltd.

Ph: 9140019009

Dear sir,

Kindly find quotation for your these below requirements

List of Features & Capabilities Required in the App

Landing Page & Login

Landing page with single banner without sliders

Login with mobile number and verification through OTP after user downloads the app. No sliders needed on the landing page.

Four Menu items at the bottom: Home, Courses, Forums, My Account

Home Page

1. Fixed Banner/Promo Video: After successful login, home page of the app appears with fixed banner/fixed promo video at the top.

2. Announcement Banner: Where offers, upcoming events or students’ activities are posted with register now call to action button. If a user clicks on the register now, the link should take him to Course details page where details of the program are mentioned and payment gateway/checkout link is provided.

2. Live Class: A banner of Live Class with details like Subject, Topic and Teacher Name, Duration is required.

Join now action button should be there and upon a click, the student/user should be able to join live class after filling up a simple form capturing data such as Name of the Student, E-mail, Class, Board and School Name (optional).

Payment is not required for joining live classes.

Teacher should be able to share documents/reference material in the live class which is available even after class gets over. The live class should be recorded and should be saved as past live classes along with attachments if any.

3. Upcoming live classes: Description should be there, with details like Subject, topic, timings and teacher name. Action button Register for this Live Class should be there. Name of the Student, E-mail, Class, Board and School Name (optional) should be captured. No payment required.

Those who register for live class, should be sent reminders through messages, push notifications or otherwise to join the live class.

4. Past Live Classes: Next item on the page. All users who have downloaded should have access to past/recorded classes without registration.

5. Share with friends and earn points: Anyone who has downloaded the app should be able to share the app link to his contacts via Gmail, Facebook, Whatsapp.

Courses Page

1. Fixed Banner at the top: Just a creative banner

2. Course Details: Information

3. Course Schedule: Text information

4. Teachers’ Profile: Information

5. Register: Banner, Action button which takes to check out page with payment gateway

6. FAQs: Information about the course


See What your classmates are making: (Class wise Discussion forums or can be a single feed via horizontal scrolling where paid students can post text, images or videos)

My Account

1. My Profile: Students’ photo, Name, Class, Board and Phone, E-mail should be displayed there as editable items.

2. Group Live Classes: Details of Group Live Class Schedule is provided here for problem solving/doubt session with live teacher for paid student.

3. Ask your teacher: Student should be able to post questions for teacher in his group/ forum. Past questions and their answers should be visible to student.

4. Study material: Teacher uploaded reference study material during live classes should be visible to student. Word documents, pdf, video or images can be uploaded by teacher.

5. YouTube reference videos: YouTube video links for reference

5. Help: Any help required regarding administrative or technical issues should be sent via a form for the moderators/admins.

6. Refer and Earn: Coupons/Rewards. Gmail, Facebook, Whatsapp support.

7. Share your innovation: Students should be able to upload their videos on the app and should be able to share its link on social media.

Capabilities Required

1. Live broadcasting: One way live broadcasting sessions for all students free or paid. YouTube integration if possible, zoom otherwise. Tentative number of students in the beginning may be 5000.

2. Paid Group Live Classes: Problem solving / doubt sessions for paid students through two way video conferencing in a group of 25 students.

3. Forum/Feeds: Class wise discussion forums for paid students only.

4. Ask your teacher: Facility for paid students to ask questions in their respective group teacher in the form of text, audio and video.

5. Payment Gateway: Payment gateway along with UPIs

6. Admin panel:

Student Management: Master Data of all users who download the app. Push messages for visitors. Paid users’ master data - Class wise groups and sub- groups of 25 students in every class

Class Management: Class scheduling, teacher assigned, topic, subject, timings. Updates through push messages. Live, Upcoming & past recorded classes should be covered.

File Library/Content Management: Uploaded content.

User Permissions: Permissions for paid users. Admin users. Teachers. User registrations.

Concessions & Discounts: (Speciality Groups) For special users. Coupons/ reward points/referral points.

Reports: Account reports Email messages/Messenger: Push Notifications:

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Native Android App Development with admin Portion Web Panel INR75,000.000.00%INR75,000.00
Sub Total INR75,000.00
GST INR13,500.00
Total INR88,500.00

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