

Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


Contact Number: +91-7566663042/ 07314047162

Email Id: rekha.verma@infocentroidtech.com

Quote Number QUO-1101
Quote Date November 20, 2020
Total INR29,500.00


Dear Zeeshan sir,


According to your requirement we will be developed the MLM software , which can deal with following type of income

  1. ROI
  2. Level
  3. Booster
  4. Double ROI(Monthly )
  5. Rewards

All income types will work dynamically, Means you can update according to you . If we are missing somthing then please let us inform we will be updated in this quote document .

Your software will work on the behalf of the following features.


* Product/Plan Master - Product/Plan creation with the price rate and its commission creation dynamically 

* Income Planes Master – Income planes creation and management dynamically

* Deduction Master – Deduction type create and its percentage . Like TDS and Admin charges etc.

*Invoice Master – Invoice parameter admin can change according his/her needs.


* Members Master – Member registration and management .New Registration

·        Member’s Invoice Search

·        Edit Member Profile

·        Member’s Sponser Ids Views

·        Direct Referral view

·        Data wise member list

·        Member bank detail

·        Member KYC details 

·        Down line List

·        Genealogy View

·        Member Report

·        Member Messages

·        Once registration done then automatically members KYC details will go the owners gmail email id.

* E Pin Master - Generate/ Issue E-pin

·        Fresh E-Pin

·        Used E-Pin

·        Search E-Pin

* Payment Management

    . Download withdrawal Request with account numbers 

    . The payment status will display, like how much you paid through upload the excel. 

·        Member Account Balance

·        View all kind of incomes 

·        Pay Rewards

·        View TDS List

·        Rewards List

·        Suspended accounts list -  If person didn’t do any sells till 2 months  from date of joining then his/her account will be suspended.  And one more condition if seller don’t do repurchase till the next year then also his/her account will be suspended.

*All type of reports

*Message from member and can send message to the member

* Backup button to download backup file







* Once Payment done then member can login through user id and password.

*Member Profile and Data

* Upload and Update KYC

* Tree View

* Genealogy View

* Direct Down line Report

* Income Reward detail

* Send Message to Admin

* Account Report

* Member’s Down line List

* Members E-pins Management

* Members Wallet

* Withdraw Balance

* Account Setting

* Account Statements - Credit/withdrawal 

*Members own invoice views related to product


Website for this business


* 6-8 Pages interactive website 

* Website will content application form for the member

* Member can fill the application form , but this application form mandatory fields are sponserid and epin

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Web based MLM software

Software according to given requirements
The free domain name and hosting till the one year
Shared hosting with 20 GB space and 100 GB bandwidth
Free support till the one year between 11 am to 6 pm . After once year support charges are INR 6,000 +18 % GST

Sub Total INR25,000.00
GST INR4,500.00
Total INR29,500.00

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