

Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


Contact Number: +91-7566663042/ 07314047162

Email Id: rekha.verma@infocentroidtech.com

Quote Number QUO-1154
Quote Date August 22, 2022
Total USD1,500.00
Ankh Negus Pty Ltd.

No 10 Dick king street, SE-6, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng , South Africa.

Contact: +27 73784 1973

Dear sir ,

Kindly find quote for the below scope

User Stories



User (My Account) features 

 Check all upcoming appointments  Check appointment history
 Get all details of appointment
 User Login, register 

 User can add review for doctor 

Doctor dashboard features 

 Register as doctor
 Login as doctor
 Separate dashboard for doctor
 List of appointments from user
 check each Appointment details
 Manage Appointments - Accept Reject
 Manage his/her profile, add, edit profile details 

Doctor manage his working Time-slot            

 Add Time of observing patients
 App creates time-slot automatically as per doctors preference  1 patient in 1 time-slot
 Time-slot for 7 days,
 For each 7 days doctor can add separate time-slot 


 Doctor get when get new appointment
 User get when doctor accept notification
 User get if doctor reject notification
 User get when he is absent for appointment
 User get if admin send notificationUser get when doctor set as complete appointment 

User Stories continued

Pill Reminder 

 For prescription Doctor will select medicine from list or by searching in list.  Medicine list uploaded by Admin from Admin Panel
 Doctor selects Medicine name then sets time and reminder
 User and Doctor can both set reminders 

 Show reminder list only to user 

Medical History 

 Register as doctor
 Login as doctor
 Separate dashboard for doctor
 List of appointments from user
 check each Appointment details
 Manage Appointments - Accept Reject
 Manage his/her profile, add, edit profile details 

. Admin Panel Features :Admin Dashboard 

 Check list of latest appointment  Total appointments
 Total Doctors
 Total user register in app 

 Total review user added
 Appointment History : check list of all appointment  Doctor List : All doctors list register in system
 App Patient List register in app
 Add Prescription , Diagnosis and Timeslots
 Delete spam User
 Add edit & delete speciality
 Check Reviews added by user
 Get user complains on board
 Admin can send notification to user
 Notification setting for android & IOS 

 Admin will list Diagnosis list : Each Diagnosis consists of :  Category selection
 Diagnosis Title
 Diagnosis description 

 Admin will list Prescription list : Each Prescription consists of  Category selection
 Prescription title
 Prescription description 


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 React Native Based Android and iPhone with laravel based backend

UI/UX will be provided by client only
Total 45 working days will be required
6 months free support after the development
Maximum 3 support tickets offer in a month

Sub Total USD1,500.00
Total USD1,500.00


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