

Head Office: 115, Navrang Plaza, Sapna Sangeeta Main Road, Tower Chouraha Indore(MP) – 452001, India


Contact Number: +91-7566663042/ 07314047162

Email Id: rekha.verma@infocentroidtech.com

Quote Number QUO-1117
Quote Date February 25, 2021
Total INR129,800.00
Nextologic Solutions LLP

GST number : NA
Phone number : +971525366494
Email I’d : thomas@nextologic.com

Dear Thomas sir,

Kindly find quotation for your following below requirements



Client would like to have a mobile application for Horse riding trip.



  • Sign up can be used with Google / Facebook / Apple ID API’s.
  • Once you login to the application, the application should ask you to put the name, mobile number, date, and time for the trip.
  • If there is a group of people for a trip then the application should contain the name and field of experience.
  • The field of experience should be a smart list, which is within two values- if he is a beginner or has experience (senior)
  • Each trip is 50 mins
  • The cancellation can be done only one day before the trip.
  • Once the client is choosing the date and the time it should show the client the availability.
  • Admin should be able to choose the date or week or month for closing and opening dates.
  • The client can choose a trip up 10 horses.
  • There is a condition if the person is less than or equal to 11 years, the person is not eligible for the trip. He should be more than 11 years.
  • Admin can have a webpages / any option to manage the registered users, FAQ’s, Terms and Conditions, booking slots, which customer booked for which timing, booking confirmed / cancel etc., features to be added.
  • Admin should be able to produce Promo Codes for discounts with % or flat price
  • All should be handled in professional and globally centralized manner, so that client can expand the application in the future.
  • Email notification and SMS notifications might be required.
  • Android app and iOS app is required.

Sir in below items we're giving costing of native android app and iPhone app . But here below line I am suggesting you.

If you want then we can developed app in react native so that we can create build for android operating system and iPhone operation system both. Its costing will be INR 1,20,000 + 18% GST but it will take 75 working days . this costing is including backend development also using Codeignitor framework of PHP .


We're suggesting you , must go with react native development for the future prospectus.


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Native Android App Development

Native Android App Development
Admin Web panel Development
Total time required 35 working days

1 Native IPhone App Development

Once Native Android app Developed then we will be developed IPhone app.
Web panel of admin portion will be commmon
Iphone app development using swift
Total time required 30 working days

Sub Total INR110,000.00
GST INR19,800.00
Total INR129,800.00

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